
This is the fourth iteration of the TryRuby website. TryRuby was originally created by a famous Ruby enthusiast working under the nickname ‘why the lucky stiff’, a.k.a. _Why. You can read more about him on Wikipedia.

_Why doesn’t exist anymore, but TryRuby lives on. It was first recreated by Andrew McElroy and David Miani. Next Eric Allam and Nick Walsh took over (Codeschool/EnvyLabs).


This fourth iteration of TryRuby was created for several reasons.


By changing the TryRuby mechanics from running irb on a server, to running Opal in the web browser, I had to make some alterations to the TryRuby lesson content. Also updated some outdated stuff.


Where can TryRubyR4 be improved ? Couple of things I’ve thought of. Your opinion is most welcome: