What's next

So, you finished the TryRuby lessons. Are you hungry for more ? Here are some tips to let you continue on the path to Ruby enlightenment.

What I've left out

TryRuby is a Ruby course for beginners. Its not possible to tell you everything about Ruby in 15 minutes. Here is an overview of what I have left out.

Web development

One of the areas of software development where Ruby really shines is web development. From creating a simple website to a full cloud based webservice, it is all easily attainable.

Is there an App for that ?

Is there an App for that, or how to deliver your fantastic new service to your customers.

Testing, testing. Testing 123

Testing software is one of the most important aspects of software development.

TryRuby's history

Some information about the history of TryRuby and the reasons for being of TryRubyR4.